Jalerran Siberian Huskies Our Siberians

April 16, 2010


Filed under: Gone... But Not Forgotten — Jalerran @ 9:09 pm

Can. Ch. Nanook’s Eternal Pages of Time, “Tasia”.

My most special girl.  Though I purchased her as a young adult, and not as a puppy, we bonded immediately.  I’d seen her on some video footage, and new I had to have her.

She would lay her head on my lap when I would work on the computer.  Rubbing her ears was relaxing to me.  She was my constant companion.

She was taken from me too soon.  I’d gone to Florida for my sister’s wedding, only to learn that my beautiful Tasia had died while I was away.  The vets had seemed to think it was an allergic reaction of some sort… I’ll never know for sure.

But she is on our mantel to remind me of our love, nonetheless.


Filed under: Gone... But Not Forgotten — Jalerran @ 9:02 pm

Ch. Karnovanda’s Black Beauty, “Belle”.

She had many nicknames throughout her life… ‘Perfect One’ … ‘Bootsy-Boots’ …’Belle-Butt’…etc.

Most affectionately known “smarter than me”.

She had floating, amazing movement – graceful.

She ruled the roost, without needing to be assertive, for her 10 year reign.

Her first American points were awarded her based on her merit, and despite my poor handling ability (according to the judge) :).

Loved and missed always.


Filed under: Gone... But Not Forgotten — Jalerran @ 8:53 pm

Our most sincere condolences to list-member, Kyle, who lost his beloved buddy yesterday in a tragic accident at a dog park.

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